jueves, 18 de julio de 2013

Kawaii rooms (≧∇≦)/


Yesterday on tumblr I saw some pictures of kawaii bedrooms which really inspired me to decorate my room really kawaii with pastel colors, plushies and cute furniture! I will show you some pics of the rooms that I really liked and will definitely use as a reference when I decorate my bedroom.


 I really liked this room with the bright colors in the walls and the posters because I really like to paste posters or other stuff on my walls, I liked the bed which is really simple but cute at the same time with some plushies and pillows.

When I get my own room (I share my room with my cousin) I will definitely have a space or shelf were I can put my toys, even If I am sixteen I still love toys and I think it will make the room look cuter like in this picture.

I liked this two rooms full with super kawaii furniture If you have watched Itazura na kiss you would have probably noticed the second pic is Kotoko´s room. 

Even if your room is small you can still make it look totally cute like this room!

 In a room your desk and were you keep your accessories or makeup should be nicely decorate because for me this spaces in a room are really personal and I would like to decorate them really kawaii like this pics I found.

These were some of the pictures I found. If you were looking for kawaii rooms ideas I hope this pictures I found helped you get an idea for your new kawaii room. I am currently sharing a room with my cousin so I can´t decorate the room however I want because we have totally different interests and likings (︶︹︺)   But hopefully someday I will have my own room and I will decorate it like this rooms, when that day comes I will make a post full of pictures of my own kawaii room ^^

Bye take care( ´ ▽ ` )ノ

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